Home Reference Source Test


Description Identifier Count

should be instantiated


should have constructors for all of the gestures


should be instantiated


should return a new object with a valid element parameter


should return a chainable object with all of the current registered gestures


should be instantiated


should have an element as a member


should have an Gesture as a member


should have an function as a member


should be instantiated


should have an initial event


should have an current event


should have an previous event


should update the current event


should have no progress initially


should have be able to store metadata in the progress object.


should be null for an event it does not understand


should not be null for an event it does understand


should reset the progress of an existing progress state


should be instantiated


should exist


should throw an error if the element parameter is invalid


should return a chainable Binder object if only an element parameter is provided


should return a chainable Binder object that contains all of the registered gestures


should be instantiated


should have no inputs


should have no bindings


should have instances of the 6 default gestures


should add a binding to a registered gesture


should add a binding to a gesture instance


should not add a binding to a non-registered gesture


should not add a binding to an object not of the Gesture type


should retrieve no bindings for elements without any


should retrieve bindings for elements that are bound


should be instantiated


should expect to emit start


should expect to emit move


should expect to emit end


should expect to emit null for unknown events


should expect be true when points are within a tolerance


should expect be false when points are outside a tolerance


should return a distance of 5


should return a distance of 0


should return a distance of 0


should return an angle of 45


should return an angle of 360


should return an angle of 180


should return an angle of 45


should return an angle of -15


should return an angle of +15


should return an angle of 0


should be instantiated


should return null for a generic gesture


should be instantiated


should return a Tap object.


should return accept delay and number of inputs as parameters
